About Us

Hydronic Systems Solutions is an HVAC equipment firm that’s serves the industrial & commercial HVAC markets in the state of Arkansas. Trained & experienced in all HVAC systems, we specialize in equipment & systems that use water as the main medium to transfer heat. If you need to cool, heat, pump, distribute, filter, or chemically treat water, we hope you would give us a try.

Our systems engineering background enables us to add tremendous value to our clients during the design & equipment selection stages of a project. Our goal is to be an investment to our clients by helping them correctly apply equipment. Not just buy equipment. We find sweet-spot systems that facilitate the greatest owner savings for the lowest initial investment.

We are a turn-key equipment firm that wholeheartedly serves our customers through maintenance contracts, service, parts, repairs, and equipment replacements. No matter what stage your hydronic system is in, there is always an opportunity to reap a harvest of good decisions by having a knowledgeable partner walking beside you.

Our Mission

To be an investment to our customers by adding value through knowledge, experience, and/or servitude in efforts to advance Christ’s Kingdom.

Copyright 2022 | Hydronic Systems Solutions